Nick Kelley Photo

This is my project for my high school photography class. In this project we chose partners and were asked to go out and take 3 different portraits of our partner. Hope everyone enjoys my project, Thank you.

In this photo I had Jacob sit far away from me and I shot this from a down low angle to make a leading line using the wall he is sitting on. Also I chose this location because the trees in the back showed a cool Boca effect which made perfect color due to the fall leaves changing color. Shutter Speed: 1/200sec F-stop: 5.6 ISO: 100
For photo number two I chose this one because it was one of my favorite shots of Jacob on campus. This was the same location as the first photo but I just got up closer and really blurred the background. Shutter Speed: 1/640sec F-stop: 4.5 ISO: 100
Although this photo looks very simple, actually this photo was very hard to take because of the bright sunlight in the area around the model. But after fixing the lighting by using my camera to its full potential the final product came out great. Shutter speed: 1/250sec F-stop: 5 ISO: 400
For picture number four I chose this photo because it was completely different than all of my other shots and I like it because of the cool foreground. This location was easy picked because the day of the shoot it was very sunny and this spot was perfectly shaded without any sun breaking through the trees. Shutter speed: 1/100 sec F-stop: 5.6 ISO: 125
For photo number five I shot this photo just like the last one with a low f-stop and chose this spot because of how the shade perfectly shadowed the model. Also when I first was shooting this photo I changed my angle of the camera from worms eye view to birds eye view because of the Boca effect would look nicer with the background behind him. Shutter speed: 1/160 F-stop:5.6 ISO: 125
Last but not least photo number six was photo also in a shady location because of the bright sunlight due to the weather the day of the shoot. This headshot of Jacob came out just how I pictured it and didn't take much after editing. Shutter speed: 1/320sec F-stop: 5 ISO: 100

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