The Machine This Is the type of machine that I used to make my Carving .It uses a special drill to literally carve and drill into a colored/noncolored platform made of a type of hard plastic. After the drill finishes lots of bits and pieces from the platform,are left in the machine it was really messy and reminded me of sawdust but all in all it turned out great.

This is the design and color that I first decided on but Ms.Kushner ran out of the black and white platforms. I was pretty discouraged of this but It all turned out better than I expected!

This is where I had to upload my Carving to the carvey .With a computer I edited and placed exactly where I wanted the machine to carve my customized image.Of course before this ,I had to create and edit, it in photoshop where I had trouble finding a design that I liked but also had thick enough lines,so that the carvey van clearly read and trace the pattern.

After I placed the platform with The color I wanted,The drill went to work and started to press and drill into my platform,I was not a fast process but it was still fascinating how the machine was reading what I wanted and then making it happen.Specks of plastic started to cover the base of the machine.I wanted to know if this was going to affect the process because it was building up fast.

Finally my project and carvey was finished unfortunately Alot of my photos got deleted in the process,so all I can do is explain to you how amazing and messy the finished piece and process was.The only thing That I wasn't so exited about is extra pieces of leftover plastic stuck on the red letter "K" and the heart.While the machine was running bits of sawdust-like plastic filled to machines base while cutting away at the board in total it took 45 minutes to finish carving .After the machine had finished, miniature mountains of leftover trimmed plastic filled the machine and I use a vacuum to clean it up.I think that this project was very enriching and fun, I hope that I can do it again someday because I'm very happy with the results!!!

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