Dogs By aidan mcneal

This is a dog.Dogs make really good pets.They like working hard.Top 10 dogs.The top 10 dogs are bulldogs,beagles,bullterier,collie,new found land,visla,irish setter,poodle.I hope you like these creatures as much as I do.
Dogs make good pets.Dogs make good pets because they provide therapeutic and health benifits to their owners.They can help reduce a persons lonleyness decreases stress and encorage excersise. I hope you get why dogs make good pets.
Working.Dogs save people.Dogs save people because they have great ears and sense of smell.They also can find bombs because of there sense of smell.Some dogs work with the police and others work with fire fighters or they could be a nice warming pet.I hope you understand why you should like dogs.


Created with images by flowerchild - "beagle dog animal" • Ben Mason - "Beagle Eyes" • USAG-Humphreys - "The Dog Show - U.S. Army Garrison Humphreys, South Korea - 8 September 2012" • Island Way Photography - "Cute Dog"

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