The Only VBS Around It's worth the drive

When people live in the country, they get accustomed to driving many miles back and forth between larger towns. They drive for groceries, to see a movie or go to the bank. This is the story of one grandmother who drove two hours a day so that her grandchildren might find Jesus.

Village Missionaries Ed & Ruth Peters

A Two-Hour Drive

Village Missionaries Ed and Ruth Peters serve in Garrington Community Church outside of Bowden, AB. While their little church primarily serves the Bowden area, their impact on children recently expanded.

For years, both Garrington and a church 40 miles away hosted a Vacation Bible School, but after the other church decided to cancel theirs last year, Garrington became the only VBS around.

“The first day, when everyone was registering their children, I visited with a grandmother from near the other church. She told me she was bringing her grandchildren who lived in a town that made her drive an hour one way. She ended up staying each day as it was too far to drive home and back again.”

With her grandchildren unchurched, this grandmother took it as her responsibility to expose her grandchildren to the Gospel.
Getting her grandchildren to VBS was worth hours on the road each day.

“As we went through the week, I had the privilege of leading the Bible Adventures part. Those two children were especially attentive as we talked about various things in the life of Jesus–building up to the salvation message on the last day. On the second morning, that grandma told us that the kids had been full of questions on the drive home. When the invitation was given at various times throughout the week, we had the privilege of praying with several of the children for various concerns they had, but those two children didn’t respond.”

But the story wasn’t over. While on the long, hour-drive home after the last day of Vacation Bible School, the grandmother continued the conversation that had begun at VBS. Their grandma asked if either of them wanted to accept Jesus as their Savior, and the little girl said she would like to, so her grandma helped her come to faith in Christ.

“When they arrived back home, she called to let us know what had happened. We praise God for how He works!”

The Forgotten Generation

Across rural North America, children are looking for hope. Whether they are eight years old or eighteen, these children desperately need to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

What if Garrington Community Church had closed when times were tough?

Village Missions exists to preach the Word and love the People. While some of this happens on a Sunday morning, programs like Vacation Bible School are often the very first contact rural children have with the Gospel.

Statistics show that 85-90% of people who accept Jesus Christ do so before reaching the age of 19. It is vital that we reach children across rural North America–today!

When you choose to help a struggling country church, you are helping reach the next generation with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. These kids will grow up to be farmers, teachers, politicians, mechanics and police officers.

Imagine the impact these kids could have on this nation if they were all following Jesus Christ.
Imagine the impact you could have on this nation simply by helping reach these kids with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

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