Features of Rap Part V rhythm & PACE

PACE: The speed at which something happens.

RHYTHM: the flow of words and phrases in relation to long, short stressed and unstressed syllables and patterns.

How would you describe the pace of this rap?

Does Daniel Radcliffe do anything interesting in terms of his pacing?

Do you think this is effective? Why? Why not?

How you describe the pace of this spoken word piece?

What is something that Selina Marsh does to keep her pace?

Did you think this was effective? Why? Why not?


Language Features - Make sure you have the language feature correct in your rap.

Structure - Think about the way you put your rap together. Does it have a intro? Outro? Hook and Verse?

Audience - Keep your audience in mind, these are school students around your own age.

Purpose - Remember, ultimately you are aiming to teach language features. While your rap should be entertaining, to be effective you must clearly be teaching your chosen language features.

Pace - Think about how you want to pace your rap. Are you comfortable speaking fast or slow and controlled? What will work best for your rap?


Created with images by Didgeman - "microphone mixer cable"

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