Advertisement By: rachel yeung

Sell and Spin Video:

  • Getting the message out to everyone and it creates a need.
  • Advertisement uses a lot of money to get to know their audience.
  • In a average day you can see 3000+ advertisement a day, you can't escape advertisement.
  • Sells were dropping, sells should do something.
  • In the 20th century USA used 4 million dollars to advertise their things.
  • Advertisement can end bad.
  • No matter have much money you use for the advertisement, you can still fail to sell the things.

Advertisements Unit Key Words:

  • Branding - What a product represents (Lifestyle, looks, identity, personality)
  • Media Saturation - Refers to no being able to escape advertisements.
  • Objectification - The seeing and/or treating a person, usually a woman, as an object. In the representation of woman, this is often sexual objectification.
  • Gender Rules - for woman rules are often limited to housewife or sex objects. For men, roles are often represented as the breadwinner and being served by women.
  • Dismemberment - Cropping or fragmentation of the female body in media images which encourages objectification. Often this is legs of parts of the torso.
  • Metrosexual - A neologism (a made up word) to represent a changing economic trend in male shopping and representation dating from the 80s. However, as seen in the Nick Kamen, the use of the male body in advertising was not new.
  • A lumber sexual or urban lumberjack is a man who has adopted style traits typical of a traditional lumberjack, namely a beard, plaid shirt, and scruffy hair, substituting otherwise clean-cut and fashionable style choices.

Female Advertisement:

  • Women needs to be perfect or else they can't be a model.
  • It tells us that most photos are made using photoshop.
  • The models might be a model but they end up using photoshop to edit the photo.
  • The pictures that are photoshopped are not natural.
  • Models have eating disorders because they need to be perfect.
  • Girls and women identify and learns what it is like to be a girl or women.

Create your own Rep test:


Male Representation in Picturing

  • Use of male glamour model
  • Construction of male body
  • Focus on abs, percs and crotch
  • Showing malae are more dominant
  • Male gaze and female gaze
  • V-line


Abercrombie and Fitch

  • They have to be young to be a model for Abercrombie and Fitch.
  • The main thing in the photo is the man that is modeling.
  • They hire people that has good faces and abs. The model looks very brave by the look of his face because his emotions show that he is brave.


  • Advertizement

Rosser Reeves - Simplistic, repetition boasts = 'the hard sell'/direct + straight = receptive/'imitate your way into people's consciousness/unique selling proposition (usp) = reasons why/highlighting how product was different from others on market/repetition of the usp = association.

Bill Bernbach - More sophisticated audience = more sophisticated advertising/recognize audience has a brain/blending creativity + cut with marketing

Diversity in Advertising:

  • Same sex couples in holiday shopping ads.
  • But experts say a new ad age has arrived, and it isn’t only about same-sex couples. It’s about children with every kind of disability. It’s about multiracial families. Veterans, too.
  • Meaning that people with disabilities can also advertize for the company. No matter who they are.
  • Thanksgiving dinner and the holiday season in general with an ad that celebrates, in its words, being #AllTogetherNow.


  1. What are these advertising?
  2. What claims are being made for the products?
  3. What image are they portraying?
  4. Could companies make the same claims for these products today?
  5. Why? Why not?

1. They are advertising Maltesers and cigarette

2.For the cigarette, they are claiming that smoking cigarettes are good for your lungs. For the maltesers, they are trying to point out that the guy is trying to take some chocolate and the lady is very relaxed eating chocolate.

3. The image for the maltesers, the lady is lying down on the floor looking very relaxed and happy. The image for the cigarette is showing people that you should get it and is good for your health.

4. No, because they would have changed the claims/rules over the time.

10 Rules:

  • What the product is , what it does
  • Not being rasist or sexist
  • The advertizement can be for all ages
  • Allowing everyone to use the product
  • No offending other people
  • No inappropriate advertizement to children
  • No airbrushing
  • Appropriate advertizement places

ASA - Legal-Decent-Honest and truthful

Paypal (UK) Ltd:

  1. How many complaints were received? 464 complaints were received.
  2. What was the nature of the complaints (link to the advertising regulations)? Complaints expressed concern that the ad revealed the truth about Father Christmas.
  3. What was the ruling (upheld or not upheld)? PayPal did not uphold the complaints.
  4. What explanation was given for the ruling? Paypal changed the scheduling of its commercial.

Department of Health:

  1. How many complaints were received? 181 complaints were received
  2. What was the nature of the complaints (link to the advertising regulations)? People smoking on the roads of England
  3. What was the ruling (upheld or not upheld)? The Department of health did not uphold the complaints.
  4. What explanation was given for the ruling? The Department of health concluded that the ads were unlikely to cause serious or widespread offence.

Omega Pharma Ltd

  1. How many complaints were received? 136 complaints were received
  2. What was the nature of the complaints (link to the advertising regulations)?

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