The Battle of Gettysburg By: Helene Simmons

The battle was fought July 1-July 3, 1863. The Battle of Gettysburg was a three-day Civil War battle fought in Pennsylvania. The biggest day of fighting was on the second day. Over 100,000 soldiers fought that day and there were over 20,000 dead or injured.

The battle was fought at Gettysburg because of the area road system. But you may not know that many historians believed that the battle of Gettysburg was, at first, a search for shoes.

63 Medals of Honor were awarded to Union soldiers for their actions at Gettysburg. Of the 120 generals present at Gettysburg nine were killed or mortally wounded, more than at any other battle. Approximately 45,515 people were wounded, died, or went missing during the battle. Both the North and the South suffered about the same number of casualties. The Battle of Gettysburg is by far the costliest and deadliest of the Civil War.

Ten roads led into Gettysburg, which is a main reason that the battle was fought there. It was easy to locate. The Confederates were confident they would win the battle because Robert E. Lee had just led his army to victory at the Battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia in May. The Union defeated the Confederates and seriously damaged any hopes that Lee and the South had of achieving independence.


Created with images by pedrosimoes7 - "Alvis Speed 25" • ** RCB ** - "a mother’s grief, 150 years ago" • dennisflarsen - "civil war gettysburg war" • tornintwo2011 - "Photo from the Paintings of the Cyclorama of the Battle of Gettysburg"

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