Plate Boundaries By:Maria Kristic

Convergent Boundaries

A convergent boundary is when two or more tectonic plates move toward one another and collide

Convergent Boundaries is an example of compression

some types of landforms produced by compression at convergent plate boundaries are mountain ranges, ocean trenches,and volcanic arcs

The Mayon Volcano in the Phillipines is an example of the convergent boundary, over 200 years ago on February 1, 1814 this volcano had its worst destruction yet killing about 1,200 people.Although this eruption only lasted a day it emitted large a amount of materials

Divergent plate boundaries

Divergent plate boundaries is when two plates are moving away from each other and forming new crust

divergent plates creates tension which is stress pulling apart
The landforms created by tension are Mid-ocean ridges and continental rifts
This is a picture of the East African rift formed more than 25 million years ago,it volcanic activity influenced the nature of the soils and the geochemistry of ground and surface water effected the food and water quality

Transform Boundary

Two plates slide horizontally past each other in a transform boundary

transform boundary has a shear stress,(parallel forces acting in opposite directions)

San Andres fault

Landforms created by shear stress/transform boundary are transform faults and fault zones

San Fransisco Earthquake on April 18,1906 left 3,000 people dead and destroyed more than 28,000 buildings

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