Choose Wisely

Hassan didn't think that his choices in the past would ever cause this much guilt on him. The novel "Kite Runner" was written by Khaled Hossini. Through out the book Hosseini overall leaves a message to be careful what your choices are.

Amir doesn't want to live with his past guilt. He wants a knew life with nothing to worry about. One day Amir gets a call from Rahim Khan to make up for all his wrongs. " He asked me to come see him.... I knew it wasn't just Rahim khan on the line. It was my past of unatoned sins."( 1 ) Amir was stunned by this phone call, he didn't think there was a way to fix his mistakes. Hassan gets an after thought of Rahim Khan telling him something right before he hung up. " There is a way to be good again" ( 1 ) Hassan doesn't believe it. He always thought he would have to live with this gut wrenching feeling of unsatisfactory forever.

Amir wants to live peaceful. He wants a new life. He wants to go somewhere where he can just get away from everything. " Aziz, helped us get into the fuel truck" ( 10 ) Amir and Baba were going to the United States. They were trying to get a fresh start to their lives. " For me, America was a place to bury my memories. For Baba, a place to mourn his." ( 11 ) Amir is saying that America became a place where he could start over. However, Baba had to leave behind his success and his happiness. He had to leave everything he knew behind. Amir just wants to have peace.

Amir is willing to do anything to get his freedom back. He has to save Sohrab. " Go take him...I took Sohrab's hand, It was small, the skin was dry and calloused." (22) Amir has no doubt at this point that Assef has been sexually abusing Sohrab, because Sohrab represents a living piece of Hassan, Assef continues a figurative rape of Hassan. Assef almost ends up killing Amir because Assef thinks that its what Amir deserves as his punishment for his past mistakrs." If it is him then he has earned his freedom and you let him pass, do you understand?" ( 22 ) Amir is finally able to atone for his past. In another instance of irony, Amir discovers the Taliban official he must rescue Sorahb from is the same person that raped Hassan all those years ago. He can do what Baba has always hoped for and stand up for whats right.

Amir gets a chance to make up for his mistakes. So goes to America and leaves everything and then almost gets killed by Assef because he knew who rapped Hassan and adopted Sohrab all so that way he never had to live with that guilt anymore. He would finally be able to "breathe again" the air wouldn't be thick anymore.


Created with images by pthread1981 - "Kite Runner" • ResoluteSupportMedia - "110717-A-DM450-042" • DVIDSHUB - "A local Afghan family takes a stroll through the local market as ISAF Soldiers conduct a routine village patrol [Image 3 of 31]"

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