The Properties of Water By:Grace costello

Polarity: Polarity of water is the result of the overall negative charge of the oxygen atom and the positive charge of the two hydrogen atoms.

The water will begin to form a dome-shaped bubble because of polarity and the cohesion between the molecules.

Salt is a non-polar substance because when combined with the water it began to dissolve and become a part of the water. Cooking oil is a polar substance because when combined with the water the oil would begin to separate from the water.

Surface tension: Due to cohesive molecules, liquid has the ability to provide surface tension.

When soap comes into contact with the water the dome-shaped bubbles will then go flat. This happens because the polarity in the soap has opposite charges than the water. Evidence supporting this is that with no other substance the water is able to hold a dome-shaped bubble, but right as when the soap came into contact the bubble falls.

cohesion and adhesion: cohesion is the property in water that allows water molecules to attract to other water molecules. Adhesion is the property that allows water molecules to attract to other substances.

These properties of water are significant to living things because with adhesion water is able to stick to plants allowing water to the plants. Also with adhesion water is becoming available to other organisms.

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