Good Life Performance By Trey Banco

When we entered the auditorium I did not know what to expect I was excited to see what this play was going to be about. My seat location was close to the front and I was able to be really close to the action. When the lights dimmed I was really excited to see what was going to happen. The size of the stage and auditorium was the perfect size so you could be close to the play.
To get ready for the play we looked into the background of this play regarding why it was created and learned some background information. We were able to really talk about what this play meant and the life lessons it was trying to show us. The role of the experiences was showing us a lesson and how all people needed to be treated with respect and treated like an actually human being.
I want to reflect on the child labor crimes that were taking place in this film. I want to focus on Leo dying. He had to work in that horrible shoe factor intake all those fumes, and endure terrible working conditions. This made me realize what horribles conditions children had to go through in the industrial age in our country. In my own life I was always taught about hard work and how you have to work to get things, but I did it in a safe environment. However I understand how hard these children were working to provide for their families.
I think of Antigone I think of one of the main issues in this country which is the racism muslim Americans are feeling in our country right now. I wish that people would come clean about this issue and just accept people for who they are. They do not want to hurt Americans or be radicals they are all trying to chase that American Dream we all are doing as well. I think everyone just needs to be happy and worry about friends, families, and neighbors. We need to come clean and move on.

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