Trust or Not? Tips & Info on websites and e-mail reliability

Tips for Website Reliability

Privacy and security: The websites should have a privacy policy, they should also warn us about the usage of cookies.

Site Owner / Company clearly shown: They should have ways to contact them. Ex: Telephone numbers, email addresses, physical addresses, and SSL protection (https:)

Purpose & Goals of the Site: The websites should tell us facts about the thing they are doing for their purposes.

Trustworthiness of the Makers/Authors of a specific article, video, image: The website should include trustworthy Makers/ Authors, whom wrote their personal information.

Usefulness of Information or Media: The site has to have useful information for researchers.

Up-to-Date Information: The date of the article, page, or site was created.

Overall aspect: The text should be clear, easy to understand. Photos, charts, and other illustrations can help us to understand it.

Ease of use: There should be a tool for searching the website. Links should be easy to see, pages should load quickly.

Tips for Email Reliability

Features of a Phishing Email: Need to verify account information. Sense of Urgency. Spelling errors. Alert that your account is in trouble. Link in email or attachment. Too good to be true. Generic greeting.

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