7 Electro-Magnetic Waves By: Alex Grashoff

There are 7 different types of Electromagnetic waves and they are: Radio, Micro, Infrared, Visible, Ultraviolet, X, and Gamma. They all have different frequency ranges, and different uses.

Radio Waves. Radio Waves have a range of 10^4 and 10^11 or 10^12 Hz. Radio waves are used primarily for long distance communication. Radio Waves have a longer wavelength than any other wave.


Microwaves. Microwaves cause particles to vibrate quickly which creates heat. So we use Microwaves to cook our food. Microwave's frequency is between 300 MHz and 300 GHz (which is smaller than a regular Hz).


Infrared. Infrared waves are waves that people use the most, but we don't realize it. Infrared waves give off heat. 430 THz to 300 GHz is the frequency range. Infrared waves are anything that gives off heat.

Visible Light

The human eye can respond to Visible Light and we see colors. The wavelengths are from 390 - 700 nm. The frequencies are 430 - 770 THz. Visible Light is the most common type of electromagnetic waves.


Ultraviolet waves are waves given off by a light source that is absorbed by the skin and can cause harm if exposed for long periods of time. 8 × 10^14 to 3 × 10^16 Hz. The wavelength is 380 nanometers.


X-Rays are most commonly used for diagnosing injuries that aren't visible. X-Rays frequency range is from 3×10^16 Hz to 3×10^19 Hz. X-Rays are very helpful in helping decipher the break and decide what the best treatment is.

Gamma Rays

Gamma Rays are the most "energetic" waves of them all. A short wavelength and a high frequency. 10^19 Hz +

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