Paris by Bayley Metz


Paris is a wonderful place to live and explore.there are lots of people that go there to learn and see the Eiffel tower. here is some facts about the Eiffel tower!

Number 1, the Eiffel tower was going to be demolish in 1909, but it was saved because it was repurposed as a giant radio antenna.

Number 2, The Eiffel Tower was built for the 1889 Paris exposition and was not intended to be permanent.

Here is the population of Paris.

2.244 Million that is a lot !

The State bird is the Gallic Rooster.

What is Paris is known for?

here is some of the things Paris is known for, museums,churches,history,La Seine

Thank you for listening By Bayley Metz


Created with images by Unsplash - "paris france french" • milan.boers - "Yet Another Eiffel Tower" • Aske Holst - "Rooster"

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