Tundra Baker Lake, Nunavut, Canada

Climate of Baker Lake

Average Rainfall (per year): 6-10 inches

Average Temperature (per year): 54°F in the summer and -30°F in the winter

Seasons: Winter and Summer

Net Primary Productivity

The tundra has one of the lowest Net Primary Productivity rates as well as one of the lowest amounts of rainfall per year. The tundra and the desert take up 33% of the Earth's land, which is more than any other type of land.

Soil Quality

Soil in Baker Lake is very low quality because it lacks nutrients and minerals. Due to the extremely cold weather, the soil freezes a few inches on the top, which doesn't allow for much plant growth. Plants can only grow about 3 inches from the ground and have to have a dense mat of roots that have been developed over thousands of years in order to survive in the conditions.

Invasive and Engdangered

The Arctic Peregrine Falcon is an endangered species in the arctic tundra.

The use of DDT and other chemical pesticides were causing a quick decline in their population. (This is the first P in HIPPCO, which stands for "Pollution")

The Red Wolf is an invasive species in the arctic tundra because it is a top predator in the region.

Animals in the arctic tundra

Arctic Fox

Thick deep fur which is white in the winter and brown in the summer. Small, rounded body shape helps keep body heat from escaping.


Hollow-hair fur that covers their entire body to keep them warm and provide flotation for swimming. Can reach speeds of up to 50 mph.

Polar Bear

Large feet to distribute heavy load across ice and to provide propulsion when swimming. The pads of their paws are covered with small, soft papillae which gives them traction on ice.

Plants in the arctic tundra

Tufted Saxifrage

This plant has short stems with withered leaves at it's base. The flowering stems range from 5-10 cm, with about 1 or 2 white-pedaled flowers per stem. This plant grows on ledges and gravelly places.

Caribou Moss

This plant grows at a very slow rate, between 3-5 mm per year and may take decades to grow back once it is eaten or trampled.

Arctic Willow

This plant only grows up to about 15 cm high but it has a very long lifespan. The oldest arctic willow was found in Greenland at 236 years old.

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