The Harn Simran Giri 3.2.17

Medium: At first glance it seems like simple and unassuming pottery, but with closer examination it holds the story of a culture. This simple medium, pottery, tells of ancient Chinese traditions and skills which have been passed down over generations.
Design: throughout the entire museum they have incorporated open spaces and gardens. This allows for us to enjoy and appreciate the beauty of the natural world alongside the man made artwork.
Core Values: This centuries old statue of the Hindu deity Ganesha invoked my love of dance. I am matching the pose made by Ganesha, something which I often do whole performing the Indian classical dance form Odissi.
The Good Life: the Guerrilla Girls exhibit opens our eyes to issues of inclusivity and representation in the art world. Like most other fields, the art world too is dominated by white males. With a combination of text and punchy artwork, they really get their message across. We only see a part of the picture if we do not get to see and hear everyone's narratives. This message transcends these art pieces and can been seen in how diversity and inclusivity enriches our daily lives and the world around us.


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