Supporting Effective and Meaningful Tech Integration A framework and firehose session for Instructional coaches

How can technology enhance and redefine teaching and learning in our content areas?

It's not what are they using but what are they doing

Today you will...

Learn from each other's approaches working with and supporting technology tools.

Consider new models for thinking about technology integration.

Get hands-on experience with content area and multi-disciplinary platforms, and learn where to go for curated and vetted tools for your particular need.

And get close to answer the question:

How can coaches help change what teachers do with technology?

In order to support their instructional goals.


Speed Dating Process

  • Stand up
  • You have 3 mins to discuss a prompt with a new ‘date’
  • When the timer sounds get up and switch partners.
  • Write down on index cards one word after each particpant

What sort of educational apps turn you on and why?

Describe how a teacher you work with is using technology effectively? How do you know this?

What frustrations have you had supporting teachers or using instructional technology yourself?

What does meaningful technology integration look like at your school?

Share out your thoughts.

Why do we integrate technology into our practice?

Personalize Learning

Streamline workflows

Redefine learning

Develop next-gen skills

Go beyond school walls

Unleash creativity

Meet Robert Pronovost

What are your objectives?

What are some frameworks to help us make sense of EdTech?

The SAMR Model
What does this mean in practice? Let's look at some tasks and consider what the SAMR model would say.

Use the SAMR document on your table for the "Answer"

Students take a quiz on Google Forms

Students teams create their own survey to gather and visualize data on healthy eating habits

Students add cite sources for their research automatically using Google Docs Research option.

Students collaborate on a Google Map to visualize where to find healthy eating choices, and share it with the community

The TPACK Model

The TPACK Model means finding the intersection between what you know (Content), how you can best teach it (Pedagogy) and finding the right Tech solution to best meet that instructional need.

What does this mean for coaches?

It's not about the cool app. It's about the content first.
Ask teachers what they want to accomplish first, then suggest a tech strategy, or no technology
Don't use tech to just substitute your teaching. Add value to it.
Think about the context of your classroom. What are your limitations?

What are some other considerations?

Is your tool a popcorn maker or chef knife?

How much does it really cost?

Who can access?

Is it easy to roll out?

Does it raise quality of learning?

What new opportunities are created?

Time to meet some new apps!

Use the note catcher to record your interactions with the apps you will be meeting. Use the frameworks above to guide your exploration
Do you have something to showcase? Set up your own table and preach.
If a tool is not for you, can you think of someone who will benefit? If so, share it.

Where can I learn more?

Core Coaching Network,

March 3, 2017


Created with images by ianmunroe - "Shawn." • blickpixel - "ducks rubber ducks toys" • QuietQuitter - "russia couples dancing" • nile - "book black white" • seier+seier - "some romans, glyptoteket museum, copenhagen" • fsecart - "money" • cogdogblog - "Unlock the Access" • Jon_Callow_Images - "Switch" • Picudio - "flag racing grand prix"

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