Central African Republic

  • President: Faustin-Archange Touadera,
  • Central African Republic Capital: Bangui
  • Population: 4.6 million
  • Area: 622,984 sq km (240,535 sq miles)
  • Languages: French, Sangho (lingua franca)
  • Major religions: Christianity, Islam, indigenous beliefs
  • Life expectancy 48 years (men), 51 years (women)
  • Currency: CFA (Communaute Financiere Africaine).

The politics of the Central African Republic formally take place in a framework of a semi-presidential republic. In this system, the President is the head of state, with a Prime Minister as head of government. Executive power is exercised by the government.

Comparing the two country's constitutions: the government in Central Africa Republic is the same as the United States as they have a government leader or a president and both have a senate. They're different because Central Africa has a prime mister and a president where the U.S. only has a president. Another difference is that the U.S. has both a senate and a house of representatives and Central Africa only has a senate.

The way the president of Central Africa is chosen is the same as the United States. He is voted by the people of the country and then put into power. However in CAR (Central African Republic) there are no political party's or any electoral votes. It's simply based on the popular vote.

  • The government of Central African Republic
  • Executive: An interim President has been elected by the National Transitional Council. The President appoints the Prime minister and on the latter's recommendation, the President appoints or dismisses members of the transitional government.
  • Comparing the Government: the United States has a government that is very close to CAR however the United States has only a president while in CAR they have a president and a prime minister.
  • Legislative: The National Transitional Council holds the legislative power during the transition period. The council is made up of 135 members who are representative of the political and socio-economic categories of the country.
  • Comparing the Government: The U.S. is nearly the same as the government of the Central Africa Republic.
  • Judicial: The Transitional Constitutional Court (consists of 9 judges of which at least 4 are women), the Court of Auditors, the Court of Cessation and the Council of State are the country's Judicial authority.
  • Comparing the Government: In CAR there is the only one court while in the United states each state and one for the government.
  • http://www.africanlawlibrary.net/web/central-african-republic/overview
  • http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-13150044
  • http://www.infoplease.com/country/central-african-republic.html
  • http://www.nationsencyclopedia.com/Africa/Central-African-Republic-JUDICIAL-SYSTEM.html
Created By
Jay Miller

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