Crispr By vincent affrunti


What is it?

Crispr actually means "Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats." They are actually short segments of prokaryotic DNA that repeat. When a person gets a virus, Crispr takes a small piece of the DNA from the virus and saves it. When the Virus is detected again, they take the copy of the DNA of the virus that they have incorporated into its own DNA, makes an RNA copy of it, and kills the disease. "Cas" is located next to them. Cas is a "Crispr Associated System."

How does it work?

Crispr basically is a perfectly modified DNA strand. To kill virus's for good, Crispr goes into the body, detects a virus, and takes a small piece of its DNA strand. Crispr then takes the strand, and puts it into its own strand of DNA. When the virus comes back, Crispr quickly makes an RNA copy of the piece of the virus it has. That kills the virus.


Should it be used and why?

This is cancer. Cancer is one of the most deadly virus' in the world, along with HIV/AIDs. These things can be cured forever by Crispr. I believe that this should be used. This will cure so many people from suffering, and living their lives with worry knowing they can die at any time.

Why is it interesting?

Crispr is extremely interesting because of the way it works. Being ab,e to take a small piece of a virus's DNA, copying, and killing the disease when it comes back is absolutely fascinating. Just think of a cancer/HIV/AIDS free world. So many people will have normal lives and be seen completely differently. Crispr is also predicted to make the perfect human one day, and even prevent or prolong age. The future is closer than we think, and we are ready.

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