Holden's Depression Reece s


I feel like Holden is suffering the ways of depression and he cant get out of it.

One symptom that has been in this book for the whole time is that he depressed and has a very persistent case of sadness for everything he does.

How Holden makes himself happy.

One reason that I think that he is suffering from depression is that Holden lost his brother at a young age and it has stuck with him through his whole life and that makes him wanting to not meet anyone and it makes him feel really bad. Also when he is really sad the only thing he can go to is his alcohol and cigarettes that make him happy inside and it makes him feel good about himself. " Allie's dead, you always say that. If someone is really dead and they are in heaven, are they really dead?" ( Salinger )

Holden with his hat and cig.

Holden is always down for everything that he does and this next reason has a chunk of reasoning on how he is in deep depression.

Another symptom that Holden has is that has no interest in anything he does or what anyone else does

One thing that can make this true is when there was a huge football game he didn't go and when he was in school he lost interest in it and stopped caring and failed his classes. Finally Holden didn't want to go to the very big football game and this is another reason why Holden has a lack of interest because instead of doing something fun he wanted to stay on the hill and be by himself. " I was standing way the hell up there, right next to this crazy cannon" ( Salinger 2).

holden watching the whole stadium from the hill

Works cited

National Institute of Mental Health. " Depression." National Institute of Mental Health. October. 2016, https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/depression/index.shtml. accessed 2 Feb. 2017

Salinger, J.D. The Catcher in the Rye. Little, Brown, and company, 1951


Created with images by tyfihi - "From Bluerock's office window in New York City" • Rachel E. Chapman - "Cigarettes in the rain #4" • TusitaStudio - "no freedom lonely child unhappy child"

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