La Monja de la Catedral (The nun of the Cathedral)

During the French intervention in Mexico, a nun who's name Beatriz who lived in a small convent on the outskirts of Durango state, secretly fell in love with a soldier, whose military headquarters was nearby. Everyday and at the same time the young soldier passed by the Main Street in front of the convent and Beatriz always saw him from a window of her bedroom

1862- 1867 The British and Spanish discovered that France planned to seize all of Mexico, they quickly withdrew. The French invasion resulted in the Second Mexican Empire.

One day the soldier named Fernando arrives at the gates of the convent asking for help to the nun because the Mexican army had ambushed them and between the exchange of shots was wounded. At this moment and seeing the desperate situation of the French fighter, Beatriz decides to give him asylum for a couple of days.

As days passed by Beatriz and Fernando fell in love with each other, shortly afterwards the soldier had to retire, since it was the end of the communication of the French intervention, whom he promised he would return some day to escape and get married but, he never returned.

Beatriz did not know what happened to her lover and at no time did she lose hope and everyday went to the campanile of the Cathedral of the town to wait for the return of Fernando. Unfortunately something terrible happened

One morning while the priest opened the main door of the religious temple, he recognized the body of a woman who by lifeless, apparently had fallen from the bell tower from a height of more than 30 meters.

Days later the identity of the victim was discovered. Beatriz, who surely expected as usual the return of her lover, since that tragic event, some inhabitants that walk around the Cathedral ensure that every night the silhouette of a woman in the bell tower.

You are able to see a white shadow that reflects the profile of Beatriz waiting for Fernando

This legend was told to amuse and enthrall. To pass on history and knowledge, such as the outcome of battles.

Created By
Jocelyn Corral


Created with images by JohnnyLCY - "love"

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