Time Management

This was my plan for the perfect day coming into college. The perfect balance of social life, my studies and sleep. It is easy for this plan to be disrupted, so in order for it to be successful there is a golden rule to follow. If more time is needed for School or sleep, only take away time from social. This allows to a very healthy lifestyle.
This was my plan for a typical week
This was my plan for the month of March
This was my plan for a particular day
This is how that day actually went.
As illustrated in my day by day journals, I require lots of sleep to function. While I strayed off the path a bit, I still dedicated countless hours to studying to ensure that my goal was reached. I enjoyed this exhibit as it allowed me to immerse myself in my day to ensure that I was maximizing every second of my time.


Created with images by obpia30 - "clock time stand by"

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