Walden West Life By Melody Yoon

Walden west is where we the students learned about nature and got to see what we can’t see in our normal life. For example, I saw wild lives and had fun time with my best friends. Also, at least I had the best time in Dance Party.


In Walden West, there are trees and plants but there are also wild lives. There are different kinds of wild lives depending on the habitats. One example is riparian. Riparian is a habitat where there are rivers and banks. Newts live in rivers so their habitats are riparian. They mate in spring season. Newts migrate to ponds to hibernate during autumn. I saw newts mate in Walden West. I even examined the newt I saw. The newt I saw was a hurt one. I could see that it had a scratch on its body. It had an unusual color too. The other newts I saw were normally grayish but the hurt one was bright. From what I saw, I tried to figure out how many toes a newt had. I saw it as 4 toes. It was very hard to figure it out. I thought it was 3 toes at first. The other wildlife that lives in a desert are scorpions. Scorpions have eight legs and a tail that has a venomous stinger on its end. These are the wild lives I’ve seen In Walden West.

Best Friends

Science Camp was fun but it was more fun because I had my best friends in Science Camp. My friends played with me in recess. We comforted each other when we were homesick. We guided each other and we teased each other. Without them I wouldn’t have been able to survive in Walden West. My friends and I talked about Talent shows in Walden West. One of my friends didn’t want to do talent show in Walden West because she was homesick. So, we made a mission. But the mission ended exactly when we made the mission. We totally forgot about it.

Dance party

At the end of the last night of Walden West, there was a Dance Party! It was the best thing about Science Camp. It was very boring in the beginning. We did a calm song and we had to dance with our cabin. Then the “DJ” told us that we can now dance with friends. And I ran to my friends. By the time I went to them, the boring song went to awesome songs! It was awesome. We tried to make the people who weren’t dancing dance. But it didn’t work. At the end of the party, i was exhausted. I was happy to go to sleep but also sad that the dance party was over. I had a good day!

Science Camp was an awesome experience for me. I loved it! I was able to learn a lot about nature and find wild lives. Also I was able to walk/hike a lot. I was able to get closer to my friends and make new friends. Science camp helped me with social life too. I wish that I can go to Science Camp again!


Created with images by myeralan - "Ken" • SidPix - "Scorpion"

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