Insurgent Movie vs. book

The book Insurgent is really interesting it shows and talks about a lot more action the it does in the movie. I highly recommend reading the book before you watch the movie. The movie leaves a lot of details out about what happened. If you read the book before you watch the movie you will find out a lot more about the characters and how they are.

The movie Insurgent leaves out a lot of things that happen in the book and not in the movie. But other then that the movie was really good besides all the things it left out it connects with the book. There are also somethings that happen in the movie that don't really happen in the book.

The book Insurgent has more details and interest the movie leaves out but a lot that happens. The movies Insurgent leaves out a lot that happens.

I would really recommend the book over the movie because it is better in many ways, the book has a lot more details then the movie. The book is interesting because you learn a lot more about what happens.

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