Dare to live Don't die but get close to

Mission statement: Give adrenaline junkies what they need

  1. No jerks
  2. Wuss out on anything you get kicked out
  3. wear a helment
  4. Don't do anything stupid after 1:00am
  5. Must do daily absticale course
  6. Have to prove your self worthy to join
  7. If you die you must die in style
  8. No sabotage (or you will suffer the same fate)
  9. No age limit
  10. Rules are meant to be broken

Location: A blimp holding a little town in the air

  • 1-9 am: Sleep
  • 9-10 am: Daily abstacule course
  • 11-1 pm: Lunch (food fight)
  • 2-4 pm: Daily stunt
  • 4-6 pm: Free time
  • 7-10 pm: party
  • 11-1 am: Get ready or go to bed

Government: Oligarchy Why: We don't need a strict government we just need people to make sure everything runs smoothly.

Come and get the thrill of a life time.



Created with images by Unsplash - "skateboard stunt jump" • MarLeah Joy - "Snowboarding" • sraeuschel - "parachute tandem skydive" • woodleywonderworks - "wilderness tours bungie jump"

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