Saint Lucia by Austin karges

Saint Lucia is a very mountainous island. It is comprised of volcanic rock. The climate is very tropical here. It has hot summers and mild winters. The inhabitants are very agricultural. The economy is based of their agriculture.

Popular foods include salt fish with banana or breadfruit. It doesn't have any specific cooking techniques, but they often include fruit and exotic animals in their menus.

On celabratory days, natives usually serve more prestigous drinks such as rum or whiskey. There aren't many restaurants on the island, but the ones that are there are very nice and serve many fruits and veggies.

As stated above, there aren't holidays per say, but there are rites of passage and other important on the spot celebrations. They only celebrate christenings, first communions, confirmation, wedding, and death.

Pitons, Pigeon Island, and Rodney Bay are star tourist attractions. There people can go mountain climbing, hiking, sightseeing, shopping, and have honeymoons.

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