Engaging Your Students During Lectures using Audience Response Tools (e.g. Polleverywhere.com)

When delivering a lecture to large groups, have you noticed that sometimes your students’ attention starts to wander and you start to think ‘how can I recapture their attention?

Wouldn’t it be great if you could pose a question and get anonymous responses from everyone using their own devices, giving you an insight into your students’ understanding so you can adjust your teaching accordingly?

Here is one approach that you might like to try: it’s called Poll Everywhere.

This is a wonderful tool that you can use to pick up the energy in the room and get your students more actively engaged in your lesson.

To use Poll Everywhere, first you need to create an account.

Free accounts can be used for up to 40 students in HE. If you have more students than that, you could ask your students to work on pairs or small groups. Alternatively, your school may have already purchased a licence for larger groups. The Digital Ed Team will be able to advise.

When you are ready, go to www.polleverywhere.com in any browser and “Sign-up”.

Next, click “Create

Then choose “Question”...

...enter your question text and choose how you want your students to respond.

It is important that when posing questions, you consider the options carefully.

Now you are ready to use the poll question in your lecture.

When you're ready, go to www.polleverywhere.com, login and click on the question you created.

To activate the poll, you will need to click on the “Activate” icon.

Students will then be able to vote by following the instructions on the screen.

And that is it!

Using polleverywhere.com can be a great way to engage your students and gather real-time feedback in your lessons.

Give it a go and, if you have any questions or need additional support, don’t hesitate to contact your Digital Education Team.

For help and support contact:


Created By
Andy Beggan


Created with images by Dirty S - "Bored" • RachelH_ - "Polling Station" • NEC Corporation of America - "Education - Creative Commons"

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