Book Report Jane Eyre

Chloe Vong S2D (27)

Jane Eyre

  • Author: Charlotte Brontë
  • Publisher: Pearson English Readers
  • ISBN: 978-1405865166
  • Genre: Bildungsroman, romance and autobiography
  • No. of pages: 176
  • Settings: In the early 19th century
Jane Eyre Book
"I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being with an independent will."

This is my favourite quotation in the book.

We are all human beings with our own will. No matter what we want to do, just do whatever you think is right! Others can’t make decisions on our own lives and tell us what they want us to do. Thus, never force your own thoughts on others. Bear in mind that we are the birds, fly to wherever you want freely.

I am not an angel, and I will not be one till I die: I will be myself.

This is a thought-provoking quotation in the book and is one of my favourite.

Don't force yourself to be as perfect as an angel. Human are perfectly imperfect, so what? It doesn't really matter. Some people who are under pressure are sometimes too "good" and "perfect". Their expectations are way too high than they can afford.

"Life is a one time offer." There isn't a second chance. Don't just focus on trying to be a perfect human being in others' eyes, but do what you love and enjoy it!


Jane Eyre who is an orphan and is a family teacher of Adele Varens in a house. The house master is Mr. Rochester.

Jane and Mr. Rochester fall head over heels in love with each other. Nevertheless life is not a fairy tale. On the day they get married, Jane is told that Mr. Rochester is already married. She thinks that she is only his mistress. Therefore, she is depressed and leaves the house with tears.

Although she finds a shelter outside, she misses Mr Rochester and so she goes back to visit him. However, when she is gone, the house is set on fire by his mad wife. The woman died in it and Mr. Rochester becomes blind. Jane feels blue to hear this tragedy. After all, she takes good care of Mr. Rochester and finally they get married.

Messages to the readers

I think the author wanted to tell readers that love has no boundaries.

The wealthy man Rochester and the orphan girl Jane can prove that. Their romantic love story strikes a chord in readers’ heart. In the 19th century, social status is the biggest obstacles of love. Nonetheless, they deal with all the troubles and are finally married.

Love needs care and time to grow blossoms. We need to have faith in one another. Take, Jane and Rochester, as an example. No matter what troubles they encounter or how others look at them, pursue their ideal lives and more importantly is they believe in each other.

Mr. Rochester and Jane Eyre

My Favourite Character

I am impressed and inspired by my favourite character -- Jane Eyre. She has a warm and tender heart. When she is a child, her aunt treats her badly; however, before her aunt's death, she has forgiven her fault. If I were Jane, I couldn't be as tolerant as her. And also, even though Mr. Rochester lies to her and he becomes blind, she still stays by his side.


I highly recommend this book to you. I am impressed with the story and fall in love with the book.

Here are some links of the movie and the online book:

Jane Eyre: Movie
Created By
Chloe Vong


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