The Classroom Environment a safe place where we can all learn

Educators and teachers have a duty to make sure that the environment in which they teach is not only welcoming, but safe. We ought to create a pleasing atmosphere in which students are able to learn freely without any fears. The classroom environment plays an important role as it correlates with student's learning experiences. Learning how to create and establish such environment in our own classroom is a step towards success.

Morning questions can be a nice way to start the day as it gives students the opportunity to socialize and share their thoughts with their peers.
Having such daily reminders hanged in the classroom or at the entrance of the door is a great way for students to recall important classroom rules. In addition, reading these out loud each morning can be a routine that the teacher establishes.
It is important to create a learning space were students feel comfortable. While doing so, teachers must consider students' needs and preferences when they are learning. Asking your students about their favorite places in the classroom or how they would like their desks to be displace is a good way to acknowledge their opinions and ideas. Having your students' input in the classroom is crucial because they are aware of what works best for them.

The link bellow gives different ideas for classroom setup stategies


As a future teacher one of my goal is to create a healthy , flourishing, pleasant & creative environment for students where they can learn and discover themselves as well as their skills, abilities, and potentials. All that within a safe environment that adds value to their presence.

Important Questions

Is my classroom safe place ?

Are students allowed to express themselves freely without any fear ?

What are the main rules established in the classroom ?

Is the dynamic of my classroom community like ?

How would I describe the the climate of my classroom ?

As you now know now or might have already knew, the classroom environment is meaningful. I hope that this small webpage helped you visualize your ideal classroom environment and gave you inspirations to create your own safe learning place.

Thank you !

Cornélia Madja

Created By
Cornelia Madja


Created with images by Pexels - "advertisement advertising background" • TeroVesalainen - "question mark why problem"

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