
中共为什么能廉价渗透到国际组织? 【中英对照翻译】

作者:凯西·吉尔西南(KATHY GILSINAN) 发表于:2020年5月6日


翻译: Bobby H

简评:Bobby H/TCC







China‘s Bargain on Global Influence Is Paying Off


The U.S. gives more money than China to many international organizations. So why do they seem more sympathetic to Beijing?


This spring, President Donald Trump declared that he would halt U.S. funding for the World Health Organization, previously more than $400 million annually—and he announced this right in the midst of a global pandemic. A week later, Chinese President Xi Jinping pledged another $30 million—which would nowhere near make up for the shortfall (not to mention that China still owes the organization $60 million in membership dues, an amount the WHO expects to get later this year). But the moment was a clear case in point for China‘s success at checkbook diplomacy, in which the amount matters less than the message: You can’t count on the U.S., but you can count on us.



America was, until Trump ordered a review of the contributions, the single largest state funder of the WHO—China was contributing just over a 10th of what the U.S. was. Yet for years now, even before Trump accused the WHO of being too “China-centric,” American officials worried that China kept somehow buying more influence, with less money, around the world.


“The Chinese give as little money as they can get away with,” Rear Admiral Kenneth Bernard, who previously served as a political adviser to the director-general of the World Health Organization, and as a special assistant for biodefense to President George W. Bush, told me. “They give as little money as will buy influence.”

“This isn‘t about being fair,” he added. “This is about winning.”

曾担任世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)总干事的政治顾问,以及乔治w布什(George W. Bush)总统的生物防御特别助理的海军少将肯尼斯伯纳德(Kenneth Bernard)说,“中共国人总是设法想少付钱。” “在购买影响力方面,他们能少给就少给。”

他补充道,“这无关公平, 只关胜负。”

The WHO isn‘t the only example. Last year, the United States gave more than $670 million to the United Nations’ operating budget, while China gave almost $370 million—yet Chinese nationals currently head four of the body‘s 15 specialized agencies. “No other nation leads more than one,” Melanie Hart, a senior fellow and the director of China policy at the Center for American Progress, told me. “Making contributions is one thing, but [Chinese personnel] show up big, and they push.”

WHO并不是唯一的例子。去年,美国为联合国运营预算提供了超过6.7亿美元。同期,中共国提供了3.7亿美元。然而,目前中共国主导了联合国15个专业机构中的4个。美国进步中心中共国政策主任,资深研究员梅兰妮·哈特(Melanie Hart)对我说,“没有一个其它国家能主导超过一个专业机构。” “做出贡献是一回事,但是(中方人员)雷声大,而且他们施压。”

China‘s muscle-flexing is also occurring at a time in which the U.S. president has expressed disinterest in, or outright contempt for, international organizations, canceling or suspending funding for some, and calling it into question for others. The most powerful country in the world is perhaps entitled to take this posture—after all, U.S. presidents have ignored or sidestepped international organizations for decades, not least in launching bombing campaigns over Kosovo in the 1990s and Iraq in the 2000s. But China clearly sees such organizations not as irrelevant hindrances but as convenient vehicles for expanding its global influence. The Trump administration, meanwhile—though the U.S. appointed a special envoy to counter “malign influences” of China and others at the UN toward the beginning of the year, and finally announced a nomination for America’s years-vacant seat on the WHO‘s executive board—has largely ceded the field.


Chinese leaders also present their own country as a voice for the developing world against the dominant Western global powers. “They were the big players” in trying to get the World Health Organization to focus on developing countries‘ issues, David Hohman, who formerly served as Deputy Director of the Office of Global Affairs at the Department of Health and Human Services, told me. “Fortunately in WHO you don’t vote on things, but if you ever did, [China has] the votes … It was a big advantage to them.”

中共国领导人还以发展中国家的名义代表发声,来对抗主要的西方全球势力。在推动世界卫生组织专注于发展中国家的事宜中,中共是主要的参与者。曾担任卫生和人类服务部全球事务办公室副主任的戴维·霍曼(David Hohman)告诉我:“幸运的是,在世卫组织中,您不须对任何事情投票,但是,如果您曾经投过,[中共国拥有]选票…这对他们来说是一个很大的优势。”


Through its seat on the United Nations Security Council, China‘s Communist government has had the ability to thwart other members’ ambitions for decades. But only recently has it begun to flex this muscle. In the past 15 years, China has vetoed 11 Security Council resolutions, more than five times as many as in the preceding 15 years. (It still has not caught up to the United States, which vetoed 18 resolutions over the same 30-year period.)


Meanwhile, Beijing is working to rewrite the rules of the liberal system America once prided itself on having built. China has gotten two resolutions through the UN‘s Human Rights Council, Hart explained in written testimony to the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission this spring, one “suggesting that human rights must be balanced with economic development needs,” and another asking that cultural contexts be taken into account when considering human rights standards. Hart told me that “the U.S. currently doesn’t care about the UN Human Rights Council. China does.” (The U.S. withdrew from that body in 2018 when then–UN Ambassador Nikki Haley accused it of being biased against Israel.) And the watering-down of international standards, Hart says, creates “maneuvering room” for authoritarians around the world.

同时,北京正在努力改写美国曾经建立并引以为傲的自由体系规则。哈特今年春天在美中经济与安全审查委员会的证词中解释说:中共国已经通过联合国人权理事会获得两项决议,其中一项“建议人权必须与经济发展需求相平衡”,另一项则要求在设立人权标准时要考虑到文化环境因素。哈特告诉我:“美国目前不在乎联合国人权理事会,而中共国则在乎。”(2018年,美国驻联合国大使尼基·海利(Nikki Haley)指责联合国人权理事会对以色列持有偏见,美国因此退出了该机构。)哈特说,国际标准的淡化为全球的独裁者创造了“操纵空间”。

“It is not a good idea to let dictators run UN agencies,” said Bernard, who retired from the U.S. Public Health Service. “Not because it‘s particularly China or not China. It’s because the constituencies for those issues get hurt.” China is currently holding up to 1 million Uighur Muslims in what it calls “re-education” camps in conditions that rights groups and other governments have condemned.


“If any government other than China was holding a million Muslims arbitrarily, I think we can reasonably assume we would already be well under way in a discussion, not just about investigation, but about accountability,” Sophie Richardson, the China director at Human Rights Watch, told me. But the UN hasn‘t even launched an investigation. At one point in April 2017, according to a Human Rights Watch report, UN security escorted a Uighur activist out of UN headquarters, where he was participating in a forum. A Chinese diplomat later bragged about it on state media, Hart noted in her testimony.

人权观察组织中共国事务主任索菲·理查森(Sophie Richardson)告诉我,“如果中共以外的任何政府任意拘禁一百万穆斯林,我认为我们会理所当然地讨论该如何就此进行问责,而不仅仅是调查。”但是联合国甚至还没有展开调查。根据《人权观察》的一份报告,2017年4月的某个时刻,联合国安全人员将当时正在参加一个论坛的维吾尔激进分子“护送”出联合国总部,他正在那里参加一个论坛。哈特在证词中指出,一名中共国外交官后来在官方媒体上对此吹嘘。

In another instance that Human Rights Watch highlighted, the Chinese government detained an activist who tried to go to Geneva for a session at the Human Rights Council. After the activist, Cao Shunli, died following a six-month detention, Chinese diplomats in Geneva blocked efforts to hold a moment of silence in her memory. China‘s “human-rights agenda is not about human rights,” Bernard said. “It’s about Chinese politics.”

在《人权观察》强调的另一起事件中,中共国政府拘留了一名试图前往日内瓦参加人权理事会会议的激进分子。该激进分子曹顺利在被拘留六个月后去世,中共国驻日内瓦外交官阻止了为纪念她举行默哀的提议。中共国的“人权议程与人权无关”,伯纳德说, “这只与中共国政治有关。”

The same is true of any other mechanism China uses to build its influence around the world. If China has pushed to install its diplomats at the helm of the UN’s International Civil Aviation Organization and Food and Agriculture Organization, it‘s not necessarily because the Chinese Communist Party cares a great deal about the issues at the core of those agencies. It’s about gaining political and economic influence over member states. Case in point: Cameroon put forward a candidate to lead the Food and Agriculture Organization, who withdrew after Beijing forgave Cameroonian debt. China also reportedly threatened to cut off important exports to other countries if they refused to back Beijing’s candidate. The Chinese candidate won.


The clearest example of how China uses this influence involves Taiwan, the democratically governed island that the Chinese Communist Party claims as part of its own territory. Hart noted that after Taiwan, in 2016, elected President Tsai-Ing Wen, who ran as an advocate for Taiwanese sovereignty from Beijing, the WHO stopped inviting Taiwan to its global summit—though Taiwan‘s attendance hadn’t been cause for concern the prior year, when a pro-Beijing president was in charge of the island. “As soon as the people of Taiwan elected a candidate that Beijing didn‘t like, ‘Oops,’” Hart said. “You cannot convince me that it no longer made sense for the WHO to have those people represented there because the presidency changed.” More recently, a senior WHO official dodged questions about Taiwan’s success in responding to the pandemic, saying instead: “When you look across different areas of China, they‘ve actually done quite a good job.”

中共国使用其影响力最显着的例子是中国共产党宣称民主岛屿台湾是其领土的一部分。哈特指出,在倡导台湾主权的蔡英文(Tsai-Ing Wen)在2016年当选为台湾总统之后,世卫组织停止邀请台湾参加其全球峰会,尽管台湾的前一年出席并未引起关注,因为当时台湾有一位亲北京的总统。“台湾人民一选出北京不喜欢的候选人,‘糟糕’。”哈特说,“这是难以让我信服的,就因为轮换总统,在世卫组织派驻代表就不再有意义了。”最近,世卫组织的一位高级官员回避了关于台湾成功应对大瘟疫的问题,却说:“当您查看整个中共国不同的地区时,他们实际上做得很好。”

Still, all this maneuvering might have its limits. A Pew Research Center survey from December, before the coronavirus crisis engulfed the entire world, found negative views of China in much of the United States, Western Europe, and Asia. China has economic clout and is savvy about using it, but this hasn’t necessarily bought it enduring influence in the world‘s other economic power centers.


Now U.S public opinion toward China is at an all-time low, according to Pew, and though data do not yet exist on how world public opinion has changed since the crisis, Chinese leaders are already clearly worried. They are pumping out propaganda disparaging the U.S. response and touting their help to stricken countries. Reuters reported on an internal Chinese document fretting about the possibility of a global backlash akin to what China saw after the Tiananmen Square massacre. China is a great deal richer and militarily stronger than it was in 1989, but with the world awash in a pandemic and the U.S. trumpeting China‘s culpability, Beijing may soon find that there are some things money can’t fix.


编辑:【喜马拉雅战鹰团】Edited by:【Himalaya Hawk Squad】