Advent The Art of preparation

At the end of last week we had a talent show where each family group did something. My group did art. We reminded people that our part in God's story may seem small, but when we all work together we create something beautiful. Also our part may seem hard but as 2 Chronicles 16:9 says the eyes of the Lord search the whole earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him!

My part was the birds and the white under the land

This week we our class was on bibliology, or about the history of God's word from the writing to translation and interpretation. It was an interesting and good class. We also had a Bible exhibit set up as our speaker has an exhibit. Also, a new thing. Some sheep got slaughtered somewhere and then their skins just dumped on the side of the road.

Model of the Tabernacle

I also go my hair done in a new way this week and thought I would share. And we all got a stocking with some candies!

At the end of this week our family group had a dinner and just hung out and laughed a lot. It was fun. Yesterday I helped to bake some Christmas cookies for later this week. We have started decorating around camp. I'll get photos after we finish later this week. Kathleen, one of the staff here, also made and gave each of the girls here a heart ornament. And so this is my ornament.

Of course beautiful scenery

I'm looking forward to this week as we really get into the Christmas spirit. We still do Advent readings every morning at breakfast. Then everything else we will be doing is preparing our hearts for the celebration of our Savior's birth.

Next week I may not write as I leave here, early, early on Saturday morning. I may get this next week in on Friday. It's our last week of this first semester. It's crazy, but I'm looking forward to seeing some pretty great people soon! Some within a week and some in a couple of weeks.

All my love and happy Advent, my friends! Remember to take time from your busy schedules to remember and set your hearts on the real reason for the season and all the joy: Jesus!


Created By
Charissa Forsythe


Charissa Forsythe

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