Children in Shakespeare's time

What was expected of children in terms of behavior? What was the punishment for misbehavior?

Children were expected to be respectful and very mature for there age. They were expected to hep clean around the house and take care of their younger siblings. When they misbehaved there father's believed that the only way to teach them to not screw up again was to beat them. (Jones 9)

What was education like for children in the Elizabethan era?

There was hardly any education for the children. They were kept at home to work on farms or help around the house. Only one in three boys were sent to school and little to no girls went to school or learned anything at all. The girls barely learned their alphabet. (Jones 34)

What was the infant mortality rate in Elizabethan England?What were some of the most common causes of infant mortality during Elizabethan England?How did Families react to this?

The families that gave birth to 11 or 12 children would only have 1 or 2 children grow up. Many children died because of disease and not enough money needed to buy the medicine they needed. Many families were very sad because sometimes mothers would die during childbirth and a hole family would be lost. Many husbands went through grief and sadness from losing there wives. (Jones 10)

In wealthy homes, who often raised children? Why?

Children were often raised by servants or their grandparents because the parents had to work or take care of the house so they had servants or elders to come and teach the children. The children learned what to do around the house and how to help. They hardly learned any education (Singman 18)

Children were often considered to be miniature versions of what?

Children during the 1500's to the 1600's were treated as mini adults, and had to learn things quickly to work faster to help their family (Singman 18)

Work Cited

  • Jones, Madeline. Growing up in Stuart Times. London, B.T. Batsford, 1979.
  • Singman, Jeffrey L. Daily Life in Elizabethan England. Westport, CT, Greenwood Press, 1995.

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