Hades Haunted Halloween Store by kayla wean

we have all kinds of scary monster animaltronics like many different looking cyclops that ooz a weird slime, three headed dogs that jump right at you, other dead looking people that have creepy laughs,screams,singing,talking, skeletons that walk around, and costumes, creepy fog that make your spine tingle. OH NO!!!!!

scary fog machines
moving skeetons
Trump is scary enough...why a costume???
scary dolls

our employees are very good at what they do...especially when it comes to selling our products.

Hades,the owner of the place,the king of the underworld,and husband of persephone.
persephone, the queen of the underworld,and Hades wife.she makes the costumes.
Macaria,melinoe, and zagreus,Hades daughters,help keep things clean,and or wrk
Cronus,Hades father,ate his wife's childeren.His job is to eat all people that shoplift,rob,and disrepect others.


Created with images by Sweetie187 - "scary" • ~Brenda-Starr~ - "Premade BG 96" • scotbot - "Figure, V&A Museum of Childood, London" • Mobilus In Mobili - "Marscon" • Angel Ganev - "Night Terror 10K Run @ Ashton Court, Bristol 2014" • Nick Douglas - "Jillian dresses as Donald Trump for Halloween" • Amanda M Hatfield - "Persephone"

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