Our Patriot Vacation By Phoenix,Caleb,and Kaylin

We are visiting Washington DC. first we are going to see the capitol building,congressional cemetery.On the second day we are going to Tudor's Place and Ford's theater.

On the Second day of April we are visiting the Capitol building.The Capitol building has a sight significance because this is where our Congress from the Legislative branch makes our laws.

On the second day of April we are also going to the Congressional Cemetery.The Congressional Cemetery has site significance of being the burial place of early residents and many members of Congress who died in office.

On the third of April we are going to Tudor's place.Tudor's place has a site significance of featuring a huge collection of items from the 1700's.It also includes furniture from George Washington's house.

On the third we are also going to Ford's Theater.Ford's Theater happens to be where President Abraham Lincoln got assassinated and it is used for many stage plays starting in the 1860's.

We are now leaving Washington and going to Pennsylvania. While we are in Pennsylvania we are going to Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell on the first day.On the second day we are going to National Historical Park.

On the fourth of April we are going to Independence Hall.The site significance of the Hall is it is the birth place of the United States.It is the walls that the Declaration of Independence was adopted.

We are also going to the Liberty Bell on the fourth of April. A symbol of American Independence.The bell even changed the world on July 8th the 1776 when it summoned the citizens of Philadelphia to hear the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence.

The last place we are going to is to the National Historical Park. This landmark is filled with a park that covers twenty city blocks with museums that are filled with furniture of the past President's houses and it also holds records of President history.

On our first day in Boston we are going to the Boston Tea Party Museum.This museum shows the reenactment of the Tea Party and it features stories and other articles about the event.

On the seventh of April we are going to the Old South Meeting House.This landmark is the site where the Boston Tea Party happened.It is also reenacted here every year.

On the last day of our vacation we are visiting the Old State House.The original seat of colonial government and later state capitol,today it is housing historical exhibits.

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