Earth Day austin A.

If you don’t already know what Earth day is, don’t worry you're about to learn it. Earth day is a day when we help the earth by recycling. Like reusing a Food Lion bag. Or recycling a plastic water can turn the faucet off when you're brushing your teeth. You can save trees by saving paper and using scraps. We need the earth clean and healthy. So pretty flowers can survive. If we don't the whole earth will be covered in about 20 years. Then no one will be alive. So please help the earth. Did you know that solar and wind power are being wasted more and more. Some people don’t care and leave their lights on. Also some people leave the water faucet on. If we do all the stuff we need to do to keep the earth clean. The earth would say thank you so much. For keeping me clean.


Created with images by Malin Helene - "Earth" • the great 8 - "Recycle"

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