The Temperance Movment The Progressive Era

This movement was mostly run by women or started. The woman started The Women Christian Temperance Union or WCTU in 1874, and the Anti-saloon league created in 1893. These organizations where made to fight the use of alcohol. Prohibition, the act of banning the making, selling, and possession of alcohol in the United States. Many Americans 2nd the motion because they thought drinking was immoral. Pulled families apart, and got out of hand. Alcohol impeached social acts as well creating more abuse, crime, and violence. The government responds to the movement by passing the constitutional amendment making it illegal to make, transport, or sell alcohol in the US. Then the states ratified the 18th amendment, also known as the Prohibition law in 1919. Prohibition was a big victory for the women of the progressive era. This time period was a great victory because we were able to end alcoholism by passing a law. The saloons/bars where closed and most men stopped drinking. Sadly that didn't stop all of them.

What are goals for the movement… The goals were to ban alcohol use, and production. The women of the progressive era found that alcohol pulled their families apart, caused violence, abuse, and crime throughout. The men of their families drank, and the women didn’t like it.

Who were the people included in the movement?.... The women of the time, they were trying to improve their families and the amount of alcohol abuse. They saw saloons or bars as places that took there husbands and left them to fend for the family by themselves. Not only was this leaving the women alone it was also taking their money for the family.

What vocabulary is necessary to understanding the movement….

  • Prohibition laws: Laws that banned the making and selling of alcohol.
  • WCTU: The woman’s Christian Temperance Union was an organization that fought against alcohol.
  • Temperance: The movement to get a law placed to stop the selling, making, and trading of alcohol in the country.
  • Carry A. Nation: Was a famous leader an activist before women were allowed to vote. She fought so that people weren’t allowed to drink alcohol or chew/smoke tobacco. She believed in society. She began to gain national attention when things got physical. Her feeling against drinking contributed to the 18th amendment.
  • • The Anti-saloon League: League was a group of people who had a real problem with saloons and bars. They saw them as places that take the men/husbands away and leave the women to take care of the family.
  • • Volstead Act: was one of the ways to push the 18th amendment into place.
  • The 18th Amendment also known as the Prohibition law in 1919. This law banned the making, selling, and possession of alcohol in the United States
  • The Twenty-first Amendment to the United States Constitution repealed the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which had mandated nationwide Prohibition on alcohol on January 16, 1919. The Twenty-first Amendment was ratified on December 5, 1933.

After the 18th amendment was put in place the whole country went crazy, lots of illegal things went on such as moonshining, illegally importing the good, and illegally making the good. Even thought the women got what they wanted they got many side affects with this law.

"Prohibition - Google Search." Prohibition - Google Search. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Mar. 2017.

Discovering Our past. New York, NY: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, 2006. N. pag. Print.

N.p., n.d. Web.

The Kansas Journey. Salt Lake City: Gibbs Smith, 2005. Print.

Created By
EJ Padgett

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