Chiffon Cake Allyson Smith

A chiffon cake is a very light cake made with vegetable oil, eggs, sugar, flour, baking powder, and flavorings. It is a combination of both butter and foam cakes.

Chiffon cakes are similar to a foam cake because the mechanical leavening agent used is beaten egg whites. In addition to the egg whites, the yolks are used too. Unlike foam cakes, oil is used as a fat in this cake. chiffon cakes utilize both the mechanical leavening agent of egg whites but also a chemical leavening agent of baking powder.

Chiffon cake is a very moist cake because of the high egg and oil content. Because of this, the cake does not tend to dry out or harden like traditional cakes

This cake can be decorated with frosting and fruit.

The recipe shown above is a Chiffon cake because it utilizes beaten egg whites and baking powder as the leavening agents, an angel food cake pan that is checked for no oil residue, sifted dry ingredients, and the fold in method of mixing to create the batter.

The first step to making this cake is to sift the dry ingredients together
Next, beat together the liquid ingredients and add the dry ingredients
Beat the egg whites until stiff peaks are formed
fold together the egg whites and other ingredients.
Pour batter into an ungreased angel food cake pan.

This recipe for a chocolate chiffon cake uses coco powder instead of cinnamon and white sugar instead of brown, when compared to the apple chiffon lab we made. It uses coffee as a flavor added to the batter, but follows the same procedure and steps that we have followed. She mixes the egg whites with the liquid and dry ingredients with a whisk instead of a spatula. This cake bakes 55 to 65 minutes, which is significantly longer than our recipes. This cake is a layer cake, so there was the extra step of cutting it in half and putting the homemade chocolate whipped cream on the inside. Lastly, she covered the top and sides with a chocolate glaze and decorated the top with the extra whipped cream filling.


Created with images by Andrea_Nguyen - "Pandan-chiffon-cake-done" • lemuelinchrist - "Bakery Days Forever - 1"

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