
Exfoliation "The removal of dead skin cells from the surface of the body"


An overabundance of dead skin cells can cause skin pores to clog with natural body oils, dirt and debris and can lead to the formation of pustules.

Dryness and flakiness can also occur.

Removal of the dead cells brightens skin color and clarity by encouraging the body to produce new skin cells.

It also unclogs follicles and pores, improves skin texture by making it smoother, and allows moisturizers, lotions, serums and other preparations to better hydrate and nourish the skin.

Exfoliation leaves the skin invigorated and increases vasodilation of skin blood vessels so that blood is brought to the surface of the body.

It also energizes superficial lymphatic flow and stimulates nerve endings.


The term "exfoliant" refers to both the substances AND the tools used to remove dead skin cells.

There are TWO main types of exfoliation treatments:


These include: dry brushes, mitts, loofahs, abrasive clothes

AND natural substances such as: salt, sugar, cornmeal, oatmeal and coffee (these are typically mixed with water oils or creams before being rubbed over the surface of the skin)


These consist of chemicals or enzymes that work by dissolving dead skin cells, but they do not overstimulate the skin like manual abrasives can.

After application, the enzymes are washed or rubbed off.

Natural substances such as yogurt, milk and papaya contain acids and enzymes that act as natural exfoliants.

**Practitioners should never go beyond their scope of practice!**


Created with images by Sam Bald - "Salt" • daystar297 - "I musta said something funny..." • geralt - "anatomy woman human" • 821292 - "beauty bath salts lavender" • k.ellison13 - "Milk Bath 1"

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