Find the Full Potential in Life strive for success, happiness, love... life

Find an understanding that the endless hours of work, sleep deprivation, and sacrifice is worth the end results.

"Success is a simple measurement of the commitment, sacrifice, and pain one endures to achieve a dream."

Find a way to be optimistic, live life looking for the positive of every day, hour, minute, second.

"Every day may not be good... but there's something good in every day."

Find love within myself first... and then seek love from others, for only then will I truly know the love in which I deserve.

"We accept the love we think we deserve."

Find a consuming love, one that will only make you strive to be better and one that will make you love to live life a little more.

"You are my closest companion, my human journal, and my other half. you mean everything to me... The good thinks in life are better with you."

Accept change, accept that in life things evolve and sometimes they do so in a blink of an eye without us even realizing it. Understand this, and accept it.

"The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old but building the new." - Socrates

Understand the difference between what you can control, and what you simply cannot.

"The more you try to control something, the more it controls. Free yourself, and let thinks take their own natural course."

Be prepared; for any possibility, opportunity, or random instance. Be prepared for anything life throws at you but also understand the inability to be prepared for everything.

"If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I would spend six sharpening my axe." - Abraham Lincoln

Understand the balance of life, the fact that everything in life requires and is a balance.

"Some days you eat salads and go to the gym, some days you eat cupcakes and refuse to wear pants... it's called balance."

Strive to be who you aim to be, do not what others believe you should be. Don't give in to peer pressure, live your life for you.

"There comes a time when you realize that you'll never be good enough for some people. The question is... is this your problem or theirs?"

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