The Electromagnetic Spectrum By: Chaisey Elkinton-Rhodes

Background information

Wavelength and frequency

When it comes to wavelength and frequency, the higher the frequency, the shorter the wave length. The wavelength is the distance from crest to crest on a wave. The frequency is the rate at which a wave occurs.

Waves on the electromagnetic spectrum

Every wave on the electromagnetic spectrum has it's own wavelength and frequency, gamma rays being the highest and shortest, and radio waves being the lowest and longest. Waves are used everywhere in our daily life and are constantly all around us.

Uses of electromagnetic waves

-Radio Waves

Radio waves have the lowest frequency. They are used for radio and television signals.


Microwaves have a slightly higher frequency than radio waves but are still not very high. These are used for microwave ovens and other heating purposes.

-Infrared waves

These waves are the next after microwaves with once again a slightly higher frequency. Infrared waves help see heat waves that we can't see with our human eyes.

-Visible light waves

Visible light waves are the next up with the higher frequency after infrared waves. Visible light waves bounce off of objects and allows us to see things in color.

-Ultraviolet waves

Ultraviolet waves come after visible light, getting higher in frequency and are used in sterilization. These waves also help the body produce Vitamin D.


X rays are the second highest frequency waves on the electromagnetic spectrum. They penetrate matter that light can not. They also can be used to treat cancer and other terminal illnesses.

-Gamma rays

Gamma Rays are the waves on the electromagnetic spectrum with the highest frequency. They are used for killing cancerous cells and making atomic weapons.

Created By
Chaisey Elkinton-Rhodes

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