People of #BUKU2017 NEW ORLEANS, LA

The 5th BUKU Art + Music Project at Mardi Gras World in New Orleans was an unforgettable mashup of festival culture and Big Easy partying. #BUKU2017 drew crowds from all corners of the continent for a 2-day festival beside the Mississippi River. Here's a look at the people of BUKU.

Only one week after Mardi Gras and one week before Saint Patricks Day, BUKU hit the sweet spot in middle of the Spring Break schedule.

My favorite experiences at BUKU fest happened at the Float Den stage where most of the EDM artists played. LED hoops and glovers entertained onlookers as the bass shook the floor.

Trippy LED see-saw installation
Fans pose for a selfie with Space Jesus
This Rick Sanchez/Deadmau5 hybrid was the first thing I saw when I stepped on the festival grounds on Friday.
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Chanel Klein/DOPE HAUS

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