GoKart Challenge JAcob miller

This was our very first go kart idea we came up with. It more likely will have 3 wheels (2 in back, 1 in front).
After we got our go kart idea, we decided to find braking systems to use. Above are two examples.
Next we had brainstormed some ideas for steering. If you look very closely you will be able to tell that were more likely going to make handle bars.
After we ended our first brainstorming phase, we started to design our base on Onshape. Then on the right you will see our body outlined on our piece of wood.
This is a image of what I'm going to be making next time we work on our car. It will hold our drill we use to drive the car.
I did not start to make the piece above today but, i was able to make three different things. On the far left is the backrest, the middle is the seat, and the pedals are on the far right.
Most importantly we were also able to start our Onshape assembly for our car. This is what it looks like currently.
Right here you will see our final two wheels get some air. They DESPERATELY needed air.
This is the chain we cut of one of the bikes. We will use this for either our drill or our wheels.
This is our Onshape assembly of our car.
This is our onshape drawing which were going to put into vcarve

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