Merry Christmas Candace 2016

Time sure does fly! Remember last Christmas? I can't believe it's already been a year! And such an amazing one too!

How great did it feel to finally be engaged?
Waiting to be married was hard! But we had some fun along the way!

Until the moment we were waiting for was upon us!

It's almost time!
What a beautiful woman
This guy...
Best day of my life!
Best moment of the best day of my life!
And what a time we had!

Finally married!

It's funny how magical every moment of that week was!

Then we came home and began our life together!

And started a brand new set of adventures!

And my family adores you! Probably more than me! 😂

It's been an amazing year! Since then I've seen...

The growth of a beard!

The adoption of a small orange
The blessing of a new job!
The blessing of a new job
And spent everyday with this amazing woman!
And through it all, I can't believe how blessed, I am to have such a wonderful, beautiful, good-hearted, woman by my side every day! She's everything I've ever wanted and so much more!

I love you Can, and Merry Christmas!

Created By
Matt Chambers

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