Cloning TJ Hall and Clare Hanlon

1. Developments in cloning and in the science and technology of stem cells offer additional tools for biotechnology. In popular understanding, cloning is usually seen as a technique of reproduction, and of course it does have that potential. The birth of Dolly, the cloned sheep, announced in 1997, was a surprising achievement that suggests that any mammal, including human beings, can be created from a cell taken from a previously existing individual.

2. In reproductive cloning, researchers remove a mature somatic cell, such as a skin cell, from an animal that they wish to copy. They then transfer the DNA of the donor animal's somatic cell into an egg cell, or oocyte, that has had its own DNA-containing nucleus removed

3. When studying cell division, specifically, scientists look for proteins that control the beginning and end of division. Using the recombinant DNA (containing the both the human cell DNA and the cloned plasmid), scientists can direct the replication within the human cells.

4. Cloning impacts agriculture, it helps produce livestock a lot faster than it usually did before. You can get milk from cows a lot faster because there will be more of them and there is more beef and chicken from this technology.

5.The problems that are caused from this technology is that instead of successfully cloning something, it will most likely result in a miscarriage. But if the baby somehow survives it will be born with many birth defects and other health problems. The baby/ animal that is born from cloning can be born with disorganized cell growth or inappropriate cell functioning.

6.Ethical issues that would cause people to be against cloning are, it can cause health risks for the mother carrying the babies, there would be a big loss in embryos and fetuses, and psychological harm to the baby.

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