Number the stars My side oF the holocaust

This is number the stars and this book is about the holocaust

The most brUtal thing ever known to the Jews

The holocaust was a very brutal and relentless and endless pain and suffering with the jews there were so many people who have died just for the religon

Some many people lost just for there religon and nothing else

And after they had kill all the jews they needed to take all the stuff and see if there were any surviving jews and do what they had to do

And there was surviving jews and started to fight back against the ones who were attacking them killing the people that killed the beloved family and friends and showed them that there religon dosent matter in a free world


Created with images by skeeze - "globular cluster stars messier 92" • domokus - "sunset color explosion sun" • phozographer - "45/365: Trunkii" • W Mustafeez - "Hope"

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