Buffalo Soldiers By: Lucia Ugarte & Rachel Wertz

Buffalo Soldiers were formed September 21, 1866 from the U.S. 9, 10, 24, & 25th Calvary Regiment. They were all African American and served on the western frontier by battling Native Americans to protect settlers.
The somewhat strange name "Buffalo Soldiers" had come from the Native Americans they fought in the Indian Wars. The texture and color of the African American soldiers' hair reminded them of the hair of the buffalo. To the Native Americans, the Buffalo Soldiers had similar vitality and agility as the buffalo.
This picture shows one of the nicest uniforms given to the Buffalo Soldiers. Usually they were not given as well made clothing because African Americans were still being segregated against.
The Buffalo Soldiers (9th, 10th, 24th, and 25th Calvary) battled long and hard in the west. For example, the 10th Calvary fought the Cheyenne Indians in 1867 and the 9th fought the Apache Indians 1870. Buffalo Soldiers also fought the Battle of San Juan Hill on 1 July 1898, the Battle of Bear Valley on January 9, 1918, and the Battle of Fort Tularosa occurred on May 14, 1880.
This is a Buffalo Soldier patch.
They were in very hot deserts which lead to diseases and death. Plus, They were still being made fun of and people were segregating them. There was unbearable hunger, extreme heat and cold, and physical pains, therefore it was hard for the weak to survive
These soldiers faced many promblems that were solely caused by their skin tone because white soldiers were paid more and given more respect. For these black soldiers enlisting in the Army, they would have to serve their country for five years, and with a pay of 13 dollars a month for their time and sacrifice. They had to endure many unjust situations in the cavalry, such as spoiled food and inadequate supplies.
Interesting facts: -The Buffalo Soldiers included the 9th, 10th, 24th, and 25th calvaries. -Most Buffalo Soldiers were freedmen, black civil war soldiers, and slaves who escaped their owners. -Buffalo Soldiers' duties were to serve in the military campaigns (ex: Civil War, Indian Wars, and Spanish- American Wars.). -Bob Marley wrote the Song We just played!
... For watching, enjoy the Kahoot!

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