Here Lies Jim Crow Fall of the Jim Crow Laws

Demands for Voting Rights

Literary tests were used to keep people of color and, sometimes, poor whites from voting.

The Civil Rights Movement

The Civil Rights Movement played a very important role in stopping segregation in the South. Martin Luther King Jr. was seen as one of the most crucial characters to leading this movement

Many people protested in the streets together to convince the government to make changes

Laws enforced to end Segregation

The Brown v. Board of Education decision was very important to the African American children as it banned racial exclusion in public schools.

Since then, children are able to get good education just like white children

The Civil Rights Act of 1964, signed by President Lyndon Johnson, stated that "discrimination in government, education, employment, public accommodations, and housing became a federal crime” (‘Civil Rights Act of 1964’).

These protests, campaigns, and acts made it easier for the society to be more equal and not choose a person over another

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