What I Have Learned About The Revolution Isabella Watkins

I know that one thing that I have learned is that the French and Indian War lead up to the Revolution, with some other things close behind it. The French and Indian War had ended and the Revolution started soon after that. It had given Great Britain some great gain in territory up in North America. This, however, lead the colonists to have some dissatisfaction.
The Sugar Act was another thing that had led up to the revolution. The Sugar Act was the first tax made from British Parliament. The Sugar Act was a tax on sugar, or molasses. It was six pence for one gallon of molasses. This was crazy for the colonists, they didn't like paying three more pence for one gallon of molasses. This act wasn't necessarily negative though, but it did seem that way to many people and made them very angry, like the colonists.
The Stamp Act was a direct tax on the colonists and they were not very happy about it. This had led to an uproar in America because it was taxation without representation. The Stamp Act had forced colonist to use special printed paper for printing newspapers, making pamphlets, etc., an they were to have a stamp embossed on all of them. The colonist were not happy about any of this at all, they responded wit violence and anger.
The Boston Tea Party had occurred on December 16th 1773. It was lead by Samuel Adams along with the Sons of Liberty. These people had boarded 3 ships and had dumped 342 boxes of tea in the water. The Sons of Liberty dressed up as Indians so it would seem as if they did it.
Delegates from the twelve of the thirteen colonies had met on September 5th 1744 at Carpenters' Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. There were 54 delegates at this time.

The Americans won the Battle of Trenton. During that time however, George Washington had fewer than 5,000 men before he actually realized all but 1,400 would leave. On Christmas Day, Washington and his ‘army’ of men had crossed the Delaware River on their way to Trenton where they had surprised their enemies. When Washington had left Trenton with his army, he had a bunch of new prisoners and supplies with him

The Americans had also won the Battle of Princeton. On December the 30th the continental army had decided to cross the Delaware River one more time to see if there was anything else they could take or use. This act would have seemed to end into a disaster if George Washington hadn't skillfully escaped and headed North towards Princeton.

The British had won the Battle of the White Plains. General Howe had launched one of many attack which had resulted him in losing a few men. General Howe had lost his chance in attacking George Washington but he did set up artillery batteries which had sent Washington into 'retreat'.

One of the outcomes, it happened right before the Revolutionary War ended, is the Treaty of Paris which was signed in Paris, France in 1783. This had ended the Revolutionary War for good and it gave the colonies their independence from Britain.
Americans were always forced to buy English goods and they were only allowed to trade with England only. The departure of the British navy and army had finally allowed America to trade with other countries in the world.

That is what I have learned ABOUT THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR!


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