Plant scavenger Madison Bardwell

these are foliage of a plant- green house
These are variegated Leafs- green house
The leaf Blade- Zamzows
Simple leafs- green house
The petiole- green house
Opposite leafs- green house
Alternate Leaves- walmart
Basal Leaves- green house
Needles- school
Herbaceous Plant- home
Bark- home
Petals- Zamzows
Regular Flower- green house
Stamen- green house
Pistil- green house
Fruit- school
Upright grower- Adasm garden
Evergreen Plant- home
Dormant Bud- green house
Scale- school
Deciduous Plant- home
Prostrate grower- home
Woody plant- home
Leaf scar- home
Whorled Leaves- home
Irregular Flower- at home
Sepals- green house
Leaflet- green house
Floret- in green house
Inflorescence- at Walmart


Created with images by makamuki0 - "leaf american cane plant texture"

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