Pre-history Lucrezia and chiara

Scientists divide the Earth’s land into what are called vegetation regions. Vegetation regions can be divided into five major types: forest, grassland, tundra, desert, and ice sheet.


For most of the Stone Age, humans lived as hunter. This means that instead of growing their food, they went out and found it. They hunted and fished for food, especially during the Ice-Age. Later they learned to gather edible plants. What hunter ate depend on what they could find each season l eating fruits and berries when they ripened and eating meat from animals when they were most plentiful. They travelled place to place in search of the best hunting grounds, living in temporary shelters. Eventually, humans learned to grow their own crops and began to settle in one place. These people became the first farmers.

Preservation of food in pre-history.

Early humans, started to develop basic forms of food preservation e.g. drying, salting, fermentation. The earliest recorded instances of food preservation date back to ancient Egypt and the drying of grains. The grain could be kept for several years to insure against famine in case the Nile River flooded. Fermentation, oil packing, salting, and smoking are all ancient preservation technologies. Refrigeration in caves or under cool water were also well known ancient techniques of food preservation. People in many parts of the world developed techniques for drying and smoking foods as far as 6000 BC. Salting was so important in Roman life that Roman soldiers received salt, as payment. This is the origin of today’s term, ‘salary.’ Ancient Mesoamericans used salt as a preservative for trade in fish as well as for storing food for long periods of time.

Anthropological differences between Neanderthals and Cro-Magnon.

-Neanderthals were discovered first in Germany's Neander Valley in 1856. They emerged between 100,000 and 200,000 years ago in Paleolithic era, and they used rocks, bones and sticks. They used fire, too. Neanderthals were more muscular than the later Homo sapiens, and their skulls were flatter, with broad noses. They were also capable to speak.

Cro-Magnons take their name from a cave in France where Louis Lartet found them in 1868. Unlike Neanderthals, Cro-Magnons are not a separate species from Homo sapiens. They had broader faces, a bit more muscle, and a slightly larger brain. Cro-Magnon man used tools, spoke and probably sang, made weapons, lived in huts, wove cloth, wore skins, used burial rituals and made cave paintings.



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